Its a sure guarantee that when buying used cars, buying repossessed vehicles from government auctions is gonna get you a much better deal. Repossessed trucks, SUVs, Cars, etc are sold at auctions much less than original price, around 40 to 70% less!
Repossessed vehicles that the government has taken ownership over come from people who have acquired their cars through the ownership of dirty money or are allegedly involved in criminal cases. When the cars are first repossessed a public garage houses them until the cases have been settled. If the case does not settle in the previous owners favor, it cannot be reclaimed and the vehicle goes to auction.
Mainly the government turns them over to private auction houses to sell the vehicles for them. Members of the public then have the right to purchase these cars at very discounted prices.
Unfortunately trying to find these auctions on the web can prove hard. The police will not simply give you a list of all the places of the seized cars. If you are going to find them without an online searching guide, you are going to have to do the searching yourself and take drives out to auction houses.
As these auction houses dont tend to advertise seized vehicles you could try calling any numbers you find in your local yellow pages directory. To find out which ones handle seized vehicles check with them when you are speaking with them on the phone.
Visit their office after you find out the ones that do.
At their office look through the listings of government auctions of the repossessed cars. That way you can shorten the list to the vehicles that you are wanting to take a look at. Youll want to get the most information out of your visit.
Including finding out all the documents you will need to present. Also, how much cash you will need if you do win a bid plus any specifics like the dates and times of auctions. Before attending an auction to actually bid on a car its a good idea to go as an observer first if you can.
Being a spectator before trying the bidding process gives you a good start to how everything works.
Finally, restraint is a good thing to practice. Auctions especially can have a highly competitive mood, creating a lot of adrenaline within participants. Therefore, if the bidding price gets higher than you would like to pay, back off as there will always be more!
Theres a link to a guide at our site which can give you current lists of dates and times of all auctions of seized vehicles across the US.
The auctions available are both online and offline. - 29952
Repossessed vehicles that the government has taken ownership over come from people who have acquired their cars through the ownership of dirty money or are allegedly involved in criminal cases. When the cars are first repossessed a public garage houses them until the cases have been settled. If the case does not settle in the previous owners favor, it cannot be reclaimed and the vehicle goes to auction.
Mainly the government turns them over to private auction houses to sell the vehicles for them. Members of the public then have the right to purchase these cars at very discounted prices.
Unfortunately trying to find these auctions on the web can prove hard. The police will not simply give you a list of all the places of the seized cars. If you are going to find them without an online searching guide, you are going to have to do the searching yourself and take drives out to auction houses.
As these auction houses dont tend to advertise seized vehicles you could try calling any numbers you find in your local yellow pages directory. To find out which ones handle seized vehicles check with them when you are speaking with them on the phone.
Visit their office after you find out the ones that do.
At their office look through the listings of government auctions of the repossessed cars. That way you can shorten the list to the vehicles that you are wanting to take a look at. Youll want to get the most information out of your visit.
Including finding out all the documents you will need to present. Also, how much cash you will need if you do win a bid plus any specifics like the dates and times of auctions. Before attending an auction to actually bid on a car its a good idea to go as an observer first if you can.
Being a spectator before trying the bidding process gives you a good start to how everything works.
Finally, restraint is a good thing to practice. Auctions especially can have a highly competitive mood, creating a lot of adrenaline within participants. Therefore, if the bidding price gets higher than you would like to pay, back off as there will always be more!
Theres a link to a guide at our site which can give you current lists of dates and times of all auctions of seized vehicles across the US.
The auctions available are both online and offline. - 29952
About the Author:
Maybe you enjoyed the information on Auto Auctions take a peek at my website Real Government Auctions for lots of valuable information for you!