When you look at the statistics revolving around teenage driving, it's no surprise that they have more accidents. Teenagers are easily distracted with cell phones, text messages, and video cameras, not to mention everything that has been going on for decades. When insurance companies go to offer you teenager car insurance, they will consider them a high risk and charge more for the premium.
While it is generally the case that if you are trying to insure a vehicle for a teenager you could pay through the nose, it is possible to get cheaper teenager car insurance if you know what to do. One of the things that insurers take into consideration when quoting to a customer, is the type of vehicle that they drive.
Some cars are more likely to be involved in an accident than others and very often these are the kind of vehicles that teenagers like to drive. Most teens may love the idea of driving around in a red corvette, but that is the type of car on which insurers will raise their premiums. Anybody, even a teenager who drives an ordinary, light colored four cylinder engine car, will get Brownie points from the insurance company in the shape of lower premiums.
Plus, you have to look at this as a personality trait. If someone drives a Honda Civic, they will probably drive like they have a Honda Civic and not a drag racing car. The point is that certain cars speak to insurers like they are reckless, while others are sounder. If you want to get the best deal for teenager car insurance then pick the vehicle accordingly.
Then again, it's not all about the car. You can also benefit from knowing how many miles a year you will be driving. Granted, this isn't the easiest thing to estimate, but it definitely helps. If your child won't be racking up the miles, the chance of them getting into an accident will be much less. If you go for the great looking car, and they spend a lot of time on the road, the premium will definitely be higher.
If you are the one paying for car insurance for your child, then it's going to be up to you to get the best insurance at the cheapest rate. They probably will be much happier with a sporty car, but having an unremarkable one is better then none at all. Then of course they could always pay for their own car insurance.
What it comes down to is the less your teenager drives, the more money you're going to save. So try getting a decent car that is dependable, have a good estimation on the overall miles annually, and you will be able to get cheaper teenager car insurance. Even though you may not understand all the savings you can receive when doing your research, once you check your bank account it will all make sense. - 29952
While it is generally the case that if you are trying to insure a vehicle for a teenager you could pay through the nose, it is possible to get cheaper teenager car insurance if you know what to do. One of the things that insurers take into consideration when quoting to a customer, is the type of vehicle that they drive.
Some cars are more likely to be involved in an accident than others and very often these are the kind of vehicles that teenagers like to drive. Most teens may love the idea of driving around in a red corvette, but that is the type of car on which insurers will raise their premiums. Anybody, even a teenager who drives an ordinary, light colored four cylinder engine car, will get Brownie points from the insurance company in the shape of lower premiums.
Plus, you have to look at this as a personality trait. If someone drives a Honda Civic, they will probably drive like they have a Honda Civic and not a drag racing car. The point is that certain cars speak to insurers like they are reckless, while others are sounder. If you want to get the best deal for teenager car insurance then pick the vehicle accordingly.
Then again, it's not all about the car. You can also benefit from knowing how many miles a year you will be driving. Granted, this isn't the easiest thing to estimate, but it definitely helps. If your child won't be racking up the miles, the chance of them getting into an accident will be much less. If you go for the great looking car, and they spend a lot of time on the road, the premium will definitely be higher.
If you are the one paying for car insurance for your child, then it's going to be up to you to get the best insurance at the cheapest rate. They probably will be much happier with a sporty car, but having an unremarkable one is better then none at all. Then of course they could always pay for their own car insurance.
What it comes down to is the less your teenager drives, the more money you're going to save. So try getting a decent car that is dependable, have a good estimation on the overall miles annually, and you will be able to get cheaper teenager car insurance. Even though you may not understand all the savings you can receive when doing your research, once you check your bank account it will all make sense. - 29952
About the Author:
Looking for car insurance for young people or cheap female car insurance? Get all the tips and quotes at Cheap-Motor-Car-Insurance.com.